GyroQ Tag Usage Survey
The default GyroQ tag set distributed with is full. There are a few inadvertent duplicates in it that can be removed, but otherwise some choices need to be made as to which to retain in the tag set in future installations so that users have some spare space to add other tags.
It would be very helpful if you could fill out the surveymonkey survey below and indicate which tags you use and how often. We are working on an installation program that should make installation much easier in future and this will factor into that project (more on this soon).
The quantity of responses will also help me gauge how many active users are out there so please participate if you want to see tools continue to grow and be maintained. If you haven’t done so yet, please also take the Outlinker survey in earlier post. The participation is a bit sparse thus far.
If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please post a comment below.
Happy New Year,
GyroQ Tag Usage Survey Results » ActivityOwner.Com said,
January 23, 2009 @ 12:36 am
[…] to all who responded to the GyroQ Tag Usage Survey. We had 29 respondents and the results were very useful. The results are included below as screen […]