How to improve MindManager?
Mindjet has a new site where users can suggest and vote on new features for MindManager. I learned of this after Andrew Wilcox posted a suggestion on the mindmanager yahoo group for adding an option to disable new multiple hyperlink feature.
I added a suggestion for adding a “Left Map” map layout option.
This venue to add suggestions in an organized and prioritized way is a nice offering. In general it feels like MindJet has improved its customer strategy with the release of MindManager 2012. Several former add-ins are built into the product (Sharepoint, PowerMarkers, JCV-Gantt). This enhances the product and simplifies purchasing/licensing for organizations. The introduction of free online MindJet Connect should aid in increasing personal use that will increase their user base. I have not tested it yet, but I understand the new free IPad App is much improved. The previous $7.95 version was vastly inferior to IThoughtsHD and not serving them well.
Adam Cherrill said,
March 15, 2012 @ 4:02 pm
AO — is there a simple way to set up recurring tasks in MM9/ResultsManager?
ActivityOwner said,
March 15, 2012 @ 8:29 pm
Hi Adam — The add-in to do this is MarkTaskComplete:
Adam Cherrill said,
October 30, 2012 @ 2:26 pm
Since there remains a fundamental memory management problem between Gyronix ResultsManager and the new Mindjet, is it fair to say that ResultsManager is a “dead” application for the Mindjet platform???
ActivityOwner said,
October 30, 2012 @ 6:24 pm
I don’t know what progress may be occurring behind the scenes to address issues. Mindjet has for several versions touted their basic system as the solution to all task and project problems, so perhaps is is not a priority to support premium add-ins that might imply product gaps.
You should note that you can install several active versions of mindmanager on your system and utilize an older version for dashboard regeneration. I have version 8, 9, 2012, and 11 on my system as I need them for compiling add-ins for each version.