About ActivityOwner.Com
ActivityOwner.com provides a forum for sharing notes, discussion, and solutions for using the Gyronix ResultsManager and GyroQ, and Mindjet MindManager for Getting Things Done (GTD) for personal and professional project management.
I have been personal and corporate customer/user of ResultsManager since March 2005. This is a non-commercial site not affiliated with Gyronix, Mindjet, or the David Allen Company.
In my early days as a user, I found it easier to ask the “dumb” questions if I wasn’t associating myself with my employer. These days I find the blog is more enjoyable writing it for the benefit of its readers rather than for my personal benefit (or detriment :-).
The blog provides an interesting way to try to organize my understanding of GTD and management and to share little code snippets and dashboard templates I’m experimenting with. As I’ve read David Allen quoted as saying “You always teach what you need to learn the most”. Readers here have provided great ideas and tips along the way, so be sure the read the comments.
I’ve been drawing on the internet for information, tools, and solutions for many years — this blog/wiki is my way of trying contribute something back to the internet community.
Send suggestions to info@activityowner.com or use the comment section below each post.
A note on the name: ActivityOwner is the ResultsManager filter for “the person who actually should be getting some work done” :-).